FarmBeats Training

FarmBeats Training2021-06-10T09:04:06-04:00

Congratulations on being awarded a FarmBeats kit for your chapter!

In the two-day FarmBeats training sessions, you will learn about building and utilizing the FarmBeats kit, become familiar with the accompanying curriculum and we will take some time to answer any troubleshooting questions. Plus, you’ll have the chance to exchange ideas with other ag teachers. When we’re done you will have a strong foundation for using the kits and curriculum.

Anyone involved in teaching or learning with FarmBeats kits is welcome to attend. We want to ensure that you are equipped to get the most from the technology.

We’re offering two opportunities to participate in the training. The first session is on June 28 and 29 from 1  – 3 p.m.  EDT. The second opportunity is on July 12 and 13 also from 1  – 3 p.m. EDT.

Please RSVP to the training session of your choice.

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