Brunswick FFA members give back to the backbone of Missouri agriculture during their annual Feed-A-Farmer event.
Living to Serve
Each year during harvest season, the Brunswick FFA Chapter in Brunswick, Mo., hosts its annual Feed-A-Farmer event. The chapter partners with local grain elevators to give back to community truckers and farmers and thank them for everything they do. Brunswick FFA members prepare months in advance to make sure farmers in their area realize how much they appreciate them.
During their event, members prepare a quick meal that farmers can stop by and receive whenever they take a break from harvesting.
“The goal of this event is to highlight the strongest industry in the Brunswick area, which is agriculture,” says Brunswick FFA advisor Kendra Krapfl. “We also have close ties to our local elevators that support many of our endeavors throughout the year. Chapter members enjoy getting to greet farmers as they come through the weigh stations, and oftentimes we are able to send meals back to the fields with the drivers. We know how busy harvest season is, and we want to make sure everyone takes a little time to take care of themselves!”
Giving Thanks
Members say they look forward to this event each year and love the opportunity to show their appreciation to local farmers.
“Feed-A-Farmer is an important event because it lets us get out and see the faces of the people who are putting in long hours to get harvest out and to feed America,” says Brunswick FFA President Ben Rice. “It is a small way to tell them ‘thank you.’’

Brunswick FFA members prepare hotdogs, drinks and a dessert item for farmers and truckers at Feed-A-Farmer.
Rooted in agriculture, Brunswick FFA believes farmers and truckers are the backbone of American agriculture. The chapter’s Feed-A-Farmer event is one way it shows appreciation toward these individuals.
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