Prior to full membership, women were selected as “Chapter Sweethearts.” Here are Texas FFA sweetheart Martha Banks and Texas FFA president David Risinger in 1954.
Prior to full membership, women were selected as “Chapter Sweethearts.” Here are Texas FFA sweetheart Martha Banks and Texas FFA president David Risinger in 1954.
Convention delegate recommendations to alter Official Dress and the opening ceremony get approval from the National FFA Board of Directors. Breanna Holbert from California is the first African-American female to be elected national FFA president.
Karlene Lindow shattered another glass ceiling for women in FFA in 2002 when she was named the American Star Farmer. She raised hogs in Chili, Wis., and her jacket now hangs in the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.
Evadale, Texas, member Chrystal McDaniel poses with the 3 millionth FFA jacket.
The 1979-80 national officers included Elin Duckworth of Arizona (back row, left).
The 1977-78 national officers included Peg Armstrong of Iowa (back row, left).
Julie Smiley from Washington is elected national FFA vice president and is the first female to hold a national FFA office.
First American Farmer Degrees are awarded to women in 1973.
Sharon Staley of the White River FFA Chapter in Washington models the first official girl's FFA jacket.