FFA Alumna Founds a Fresh Food Pantry
Fredericksburg FFA alumna Faith Geistweidt took the lead in developing a food pantry that supplies community members with fresh, healthy foods.
Fredericksburg FFA alumna Faith Geistweidt took the lead in developing a food pantry that supplies community members with fresh, healthy foods.
You might have to go back to the first tractor, the moldboard plow or even crop hybridization to find something that's shaped today's agriculture more than biotechnology. Take a look.
The first female African-American recipient of the American FFA Degree pursues a successful career with USDA.
A small chapter lost its primary annual fundraiser — then earned thousands more.
Learning to engage in civil discourse is a life skill everyone needs. Studying parliamentary procedure and the rules of debate, fairness and justice will help you, now and in the future.
The national officer team begins their adventures on the road, telling the unique stories of FFA members along the way.
Find out what sets this annual event apart and how you can apply to attend.
Nick’s Closet offers 100 sets of Official Dress in memory of Nicholas Elizalde.
Discover what this event is all about and why it could be a perfect fit for you, even if you’ve never had hands-on experience with chickens or turkeys.
It’s an important question to ask as you make postsecondary school decisions. It could unlock the potential for personal and professional opportunities.