Student Focus

GUEST ARTICLE: Take a Vacation from Social Media

Hi guys! My name is Alexa Curtis and I am a teen influencer and bullying expert. When I was 12, I started a blog to inspire other teens to follow their dreams. Now, I get to follow mine and inspire you to follow yours! I wanted to talk a bit about the positive and negative sides of the web. While I know the pitfalls of social media, I also know and understand the importance of social media for personal connections, as well as businesses. Sometimes, I wake up and feel so stressed out and overwhelmed with the internet. I hate knowing that I’m supposed to wake up each morning and immediately check my Instagram or Facebook feed, mainly because that’s my job. Last month, I decided I should take one day off per week from the web. So far, it’s making me happier than I’ve ever been. Have you ever taken a vacation from social media? My business partner for my nonprofit, Steve, took a break from social media 2 years ago. He, along with myself, [...]

By |2018-08-11T08:19:15-04:00May 9th, 2017|Categories: Student Focus|
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