FFA Member Spurs Community to Restore Damaged Greenhouse
One FFA member’s Boy Scout project spurs an entire community to get involved.
One FFA member’s Boy Scout project spurs an entire community to get involved.
The North Carolina School for the Deaf became the third FFA chapter in the nation for members who are deaf and hard of hearing.
This Living to Serve project helps participants vie for Best in Show.
A Kansas FFA chapter makes blankets that are a source of comfort and community support.
Check out these social posts from the hashtag #LivingtoServe.
Test your knowledge on living to serve the FFA way.
When a local farmer donated lumber to this agricultural education program, the students wasted no time putting it to use.
FFA chapters pitch in to help Nebraska flood victims.
Members of Turlock FFA served their community last summer, but the teens received much more than they gave.
As part of a social media challenge, California FFA chapters collected and donated 1,240 gallons of milk to local food banks.