A Mid-Year Road Report From the National Officers
During their year of service, the 2023-24 team has traveled across the country and met FFA members, advisors, alumni and supporters from all walks of life. Here are their takeaways.
During their year of service, the 2023-24 team has traveled across the country and met FFA members, advisors, alumni and supporters from all walks of life. Here are their takeaways.
Whether you're a brand-new or established FFA member, here's how a strong SAE can help take your involvement to the next level.
Thanks to online browsing and a network of lifetime friends, California FFA alumna Janet Sutro reconnected with her jacket after 50 years.
Beginning this year, the Student Engagement and Travel Assistance Grants program supports members attending National FFA experiences.
Try these simple tips to cultivate a more unified officer team.
The Forever Blue Network invites FFA alumni to find connections through engaging in a global online community.
Paris FFA members in Missouri gained hands-on seed sales experience through a fundraising partnership program.
This American FFA Degree recipient and Autism Group president encourages and advocates for FFA members of all abilities.
In Ohio, Norwayne FFA members give back through an annual benefit dinner.