On the Record: Jimmy Dillon
Past national officer Jimmy Dillon says FFA can benefit every student, everywhere.
Past national officer Jimmy Dillon says FFA can benefit every student, everywhere.
New Farmers of America (NFA) Week was celebrated during the first full week of April from 1935 until 1965.
Take a tour of National FFA publications past and present to see how the organization — and this magazine — have evolved.
The National FFA Band has been a staple since the first group performed at the 20th National FFA Convention.
FFA New Horizons editor Kasey Riebel celebrates the 70th anniversary of FFA New Horizons, highlighted in the latest fall/winter issue.
Celebrate the 70th anniversary of FFA New Horizons with a trip down memory lane.
The Georgia teacher shaped agricultural education as we know it today.
Learn more about the famous blue corduroy FFA jacket that’s been worn and loved by members for nearly 90 years.
The National FFA Alumni Association was established 50 years ago.
In this FFA Moment, Iowa Falls FFA members gather around their winning hog during the National FFA Convention in Kansas City, Mo.