From Opponent to Advocate: Empowering Women in FFA
When opportunity knocked, Dr. Jim Knight didn’t answer. Later, he would become one of the strongest advocates for inclusion.
When opportunity knocked, Dr. Jim Knight didn’t answer. Later, he would become one of the strongest advocates for inclusion.
This former member applies lessons she learned in FFA to create one-of-a-kind horse tack and other goods.
The Mellon family boasts three FFA members who served as Arizona state presidents. FFA leadership involvement and training gets credit for many of their accomplishments.
An Indiana FFA chapter teaches farmers how to deal with emergencies in the field.
This former FFA state and national officer gives back to the organization in a unique way.
Find out why West Rowan FFA Alumni Chapter has been selected for this award!
John Deere has supported FFA for more consecutive years than any other sponsor.
Advisors, FFA members and communities benefit from starting alumni chapters.
D.C. alumni president Kellie Bray receives joy when giving the Gift of Blue.
Houston Astros baseball player Tyler White talks about his love for the sport and FFA.