From FFA Talent to Convention Concert Performer
Alumnus Dillon Carmichael shares how his FFA experiences set him up for a career in country music.
Alumnus Dillon Carmichael shares how his FFA experiences set him up for a career in country music.
Support from the National FFA scholarship program helped Lydia Johnson further her agriculture involvement and educational endeavors.
Alumna Elise Anderson’s career path came into clear view thanks, in part, to her supervised agricultural experiences within FFA.
For one Marion FFA alum, membership is a family tradition.
This Hoxie FFA alum responds to the call when disaster strikes.
Kass Newell's journey took her from the show ring to a leadership role with the world’s largest livestock show.
Amber Weaver turned an LDE experience into a rewarding gig at RFD-TV.
The Oldhams currently care for 225 wild horses on the Wind River Wild Horse Sanctuary outside Lander, Wy., and credit their FFA experiences for much of their interest in agriculture and their drive to help the horses.
Corporate alumni and supporters chapters are a unique way for companies to rally their support for the National FFA Organization.
FFA brings together individuals of all different backgrounds — in practice and online.