The National FFA Organization is led by the direction and policy set by the National FFA Board of Directors. The board consists of the national FFA advisor, executive secretary, treasurer, four state supervisors of agricultural education, one United States Department of Education representative, two agricultural education teacher educators, two agricultural education teachers, one National Council for Agricultural Education representative and one agricultural business and industry representative.
The terms of office of members of the National FFA Board of Directors and the method of selection of such members, other than the ex-officio members, shall be prescribed in the bylaws.
The National FFA Board of Directors shall meet at least once each year at such time and place as may be prescribed by the board and shall present an annual report.

Dr. Travis Park
National FFA Advisor and Board Chair

Cheryl Zimmerman
National FFA Executive Secretary

Matt Winkle
National FFA Treasurer

Marc Beitia
AFNR Teacher (NAAE)

Daphnne Bonaparte
U.S. Department of Education

Michael Brammer
State Staff Advisor, Eastern Region (NASAE)

Keith Dietzschold
State Advisor, Central Region (NASAE)

Gordon Eichelberger
State Advisor, Southern Region (NASAE)

Barbara Jenkins
Business and Industry

Aaron McKim
Teacher Educator (AAAE)

Charles Parker
State Supervisor, Western Region (NASAE)

Deanna Schnuck
AFNR Teacher (NAAE)

Kristin Stair
Teacher/Educator (AAAE)