
About the Author: Trent Oney
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Hello National FFA! My name is Trent Oney and I am proudly from the Sumner FFA Chapter, located in beautiful Pierce County, Washington State. I am a first generation agriculturist who started my FFA journey my freshman year of Highschool. I will never forget the time I put on my FFA blue jacket for the first time! From then on, I made it my mission to share my amazing FFA experience with generations to come! I have big dreams of becoming a State and National Officer and there's no better way to learn more about the In's and Out's of this organization then by being given the opportunity to serve as a National FFA Reporter, proudly representing FFA members across the United States and my amazing home state of Washington! I can't wait to share the stories that make us all so unique! Lets do this FFA!

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