
About the Author: Samantha Aarup
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My name is Samantha Aarup, and I hail from the AAEC-Estrella Mountain FFA Chapter in Arizona where I am currently serving as chapter president. I've been involved in FFA all four years of high school. One of my favorite opportunities FFA has given me is the ability to discover my passions and compete in CDE's and LDE's. Last year, I was able to attend national convention and place silver with our ag communications team and rank gold individually. I've also been on a state winning poultry evaluation and marketing plan team! For my SAE this year, I am currently writing and illustrating my own children's book with my show rooster, Tootsie Roo, as the main character! I am so excited to be serving as one of the 140 FFA in the USA Reporters this year!

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