
About the Author: Lynlee McCurry
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My name is Lynlee McCurry and I am currently a senior at Salina High School in Oklahoma, where I serve as my FFA chapter's president. Prior to my president role, I served as chapter reporter for two years. I have an agricultural services SAE where I own and operate my own photography business. I also maintain an agricultural education SAE, where I have implemented a weekly elementary ag education program into our school district. I compete in prepared and extemporaneous speaking, equine evaluation, parliamentary procedure, and will venture into livestock judging and floriculture this year. Outside of FFA, I work as the social media manager for a local salon and spend time with my family and friends. I'm and National Honor Society and Oklahoma Honor Society member, and have been on honor roll for all of high school. I love Jesus and coffee, and you will rarely catch me without a latte or my Bible nearby. I'd love to get to know you, so feel free to send me an email!

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