Hear from the 2021-22 national officer team on what they think FFA members should make time for at convention this year.
Agriculture innovations continue to expand rapidly, connecting technological advancements with food production. One particularly fast-growing technology in agriculture is automation.
Agriculture is the leading industry in the world and most U.S. states. Read on for fun ag facts from each state FFA association.
The National FFA Band has been a staple since the first group performed at the 20th National FFA Convention.
Learn more about the latest arts and culture in agriculture.
Learn from Alex Kellersmith how to successfully manage multiple SAEs.
Interested in parliamentary procedure? Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, presents six items of business for an effective meeting agenda.
In a male-dominant industry, Ella Byrne stands out and plays a significant role in her family's lobster business.
Read on for fun facts about the United States' turkey industry.
The John Deere TECH program provides students with what they need to be a part of a new world of technology.