Tom Brewer has lived a life of service through the military and now public office, but his leadership story starts with FFA.
Liam Wade uses hydroponics and social media to help promote Alaskan agriculture.
Two national award-winning chapters reflect on their journeys to the top and share tips for developing a successful Program of Activities.
Hawaii FFA member and past state officer Stephanie Arellano uses eDNA to identify fish native to waters near Pearl Harbor.
This Oklahoma chapter won a new Ford truck as part of an annual giveaway aimed at recognizing excellence in chapters across the state.
Paris FFA members in Missouri gained hands-on seed sales experience through a fundraising partnership program.
These students in Massachusetts are preparing for career success by learning to do and doing to learn every day.
Don’t be afraid to go against the grain and explore your unique agricultural interests through your supervised agricultural experience.
Alumna Elise Anderson’s career path came into clear view thanks, in part, to her supervised agricultural experiences within FFA.
For members like Jace Melugin, attending an FFA conference provides opportunities to develop one’s interests and determine next steps.