
About the Author: Andrea Blaha
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Hey y'all! I'm Andrea Blaha the Vice-President of the Deltona Sr. FFA Chapter in the beautiful Sunshine State of Florida. I am beyond blessed to be serving as one of the FFA in the USA Reporters this year! I would love to share with y'all a little bit about me. This is my 6th year in FFA. I mainly compete in Extemporaneous Speaking, Parliamentary Procedure, Veterinary Science, and Ornamental Horticulture Demonstrations. My Supervised Agricultural Experience consists of showing a steer. My favorite thing I've done in FFA has to be the National FFA Chorus. Outside of FFA I have a passion for the Lord, music, writing, and reading. I am known by my friends to pull out a journal and write for a good long time! One final thing to note about me is that I immigrated to the United States at the age of four from Venezuela and despite being so far away from my family nowadays, I have found my place and my family in the FFA.

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