In preparation for National Ag Day on March 21, think about how you might answer potential questions consumers have about agriculture. Riley Pagett, the director of advocacy and government relations for the National FFA Organization, provides some ideas.
Is agriculture still relevant? Do farmers still exist?
Now more than ever, the world needs people pursuing careers in agriculture to feed, fuel and clothe a growing population. Not only do farmers and ranchers help achieve those goals, but there are 235 unique careers in the science, business and technology sectors of agriculture. Check out for more information.
Are farmers trustworthy?
When people make accusations about our industry, it is likely because they are less than familiar with agriculture. We encourage FFA members to provide consumers with specific examples or stories about their agricultural pursuits – or about an agriculturist they know in the industry. Students can also share specific statistics or facts from agriculture in their region of the country. That way, we all create a foundation to support our statements.
What kind of farming do you do?
This question can intimidate FFA members who don’t live on farms. Consider sharing about your supervised agricultural experience (SAE). SAEs look different all over the nation, but they all fit into the greater agricultural picture. Own your individualized experience, and don’t miss an opportunity to educate others about agriculture.
The National FFA Literacy and Advocacy Platform is supported by Domino’s Pizza, Merck Animal Health, Monsanto and Tractor Supply Company.