On The Record: Easton Corbin

By |2019-02-11T15:57:21-05:00February 24th, 2017|Categories: FFA Membership, On The Record, The Feed, Top|Tags: , |

Country music Easton Corbin star talks with FFA New Horizons about the lessons he learned as an FFA member, the values that drive him today and the pride he holds as an alumnus.

New Horizons: You were first an FFA member in Trenton, Fla., where your grandparents had a farm. Describe your FFA involvement.

Easton Corbin: I joined FFA in middle school and was a member through high school. I showed cattle and did some livestock and crop judging. It was a really great experience.

NH: Before you went to Nashville, you went to college. How did FFA help prepare you?

EC: Through my agricultural studies in high school, I got a scholarship to the University of Florida. I have a degree in food and resource economics, specialized in agribusiness marketing and management. I always had my sights on music — it is something in my heart — but I also recognized that the music business is very competitive. So I went to college to have something to fall back on, and I knew earning my degree would help me understand business and how it works.

NH: How has your FFA education helped your career as a country star?

EC: Not only am I an entertainer, but I am also a small business owner who employs a band and crew. In FFA, you learn about responsibility and business through record keeping and other project work. You also learn to lead, to speak in public and to articulate what you want to communicate. It all translates to my career today.

NH: Describe other important life skills that FFA members can bring to adulthood.

EC: FFA is a great organization that teaches leadership, people skills and character. Young people who go through the organization learn to be respectful, hardworking adults.

NH: You have supported the National FFA Organization as an entertainer and a mentor. Why should alumni remain involved?

EC: It is important to be a positive role model in young peoples’ lives, to encourage and inspire them to do their best. FFA helps you learn that you can be anything you want to be, but you have to work for it.

For tour dates and other information about Corbin, visit eastoncorbin.com.

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