Start an Alumni Chapter

Alumni and Supporters

Start an Alumni Chapter2022-07-28T13:40:44-04:00

Former FFA members and interested adults are a natural, supportive resource for FFA advisors and their students. A National FFA Alumni Chapter helps to rally the local community around agricultural education and FFA activities.

FFA alumni chapters also provide a helping hand to FFA advisors in coordinating activities for the local FFA chapter.

Your state FFA alumni association will forward all forms and documents to the National FFA Alumni Association.

Charter or Reactivate a LOCAL FFA Alumni Chapter

To charter or reactivate as a National FFA Alumni chapter, your chapter must meet and maintain these qualifications:

  1. Have at least 10 members that will pay National FFA Alumni member dues and State FFA Alumni dues (if applicable).
  2. Have current bylaws in harmony with the National FFA Alumni Bylaws.
  3. Have a council of elected officers.
  4. Complete the Application for Chartering/Reactivating.
  5. Submit the completed application for Chartering/Reactivating to your State FFA Alumni Association. If your state does not have a State FFA Alumni Association, email this form to They will complete the new alumni chapter set up process on After the charter process is completed, the local teacher/advisor(s) can then go to their Chapter Profile and add/link the Alumni chapter to their local FFA chapter. Once linked, all teachers/advisor(s) in the local FFA chapter will receive an Alumni Leader Role for the Alumni chapter. You will have 30 days to submit your initial roster in After your roster has been submitted, you will have 30 days to pay your membership invoice. Once the state receives your payment and submits your roster for national approval, you will then be issued a charter certificate and a scroll and allowed to apply to be a part of National FFA’s 501c3 status.
Charter or Reactivate a STATE FFA Alumni Chapter

To charter a State FFA Alumni Association email

Other Membership Options – Affiliation Program 2.0

Affiliation Program 2.0

Annual fee of $100 per local chapter(plus state dues that may apply) for the chapter program providing basic support to all volunteers at the local chapter.

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