Believing and Achieving: 2025 Michigan FFA State Convention Recap

By |2025-03-13T09:16:35-04:00March 13th, 2025|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , , |
The Michigan FFA 2024-25 State Officer Team.

The Michigan FFA 2024-25 State Officer Team.

The 97th Michigan FFA State Convention has come to a close, marking the start of state convention season around the country. More than 1,000 attendees joined Michigan FFA in recognizing more than 482 state degree recipients, 433 outstanding junior recipients and 216 gold academic excellence recipients.

FFA in the USA Reporter Ryder Cornett (left) met 2024-25 National FFA Western Region Vice President Abby Jacobsen at state convention.

FFA in the USA Reporter Ryder Cornett (left) met 2024-25 National FFA Western Region Vice President Abby Jacobsen at state convention.

Abby Jacobsen, the 2024-25 National FFA Western Region Vice President, attended this year’s convention. “We celebrated the community of FFA members in Michigan,” she says.

During state convention, Michigan FFA hosts an annual dance and the Region II ice cream social. Jacobsen attended this year’s social, which included all Region II candidates running for state FFA office, the state officer team and visiting state officers from Alaska, Indiana and Wisconsin.

“To me, state convention is about connecting and meeting so many new people,” says Jonesville FFA Vice President Carley Graves. “I talk to people I wouldn’t normally get to and make connections.”

Cornett (left) and Carley Graves attend state convention.

Cornett (left) and Carley Graves attend state convention.

Graves’ passion for connecting with members is inspiring, as our time in this organization can be short and we need to make the most out of it. For example, she sat next to a member and realized he was a lead singer during the FFA Talent Show.

Graves is not the only one making connections at convention, however; 2024-25 Michigan FFA State Vice President Sara Dammann is doing so, too.

Sara Dammann, the 2024-25 Michigan FFA State Vice President.

Sara Dammann, the 2024-25 Michigan FFA State Vice President.

“My favorite thing about state convention was delivering my retiring address on the importance of intentionality,” Dammann says. “I think my favorite thing as a state officer was being able to make connections with so many members from across the state and country.”

During her year of service, the New Lothrop FFA Alumna dedicated time to meet new members through chapter visits and a trip to our nation’s capitol for the State Officer Leadership Continuum.  Her premier leadership is one of the biggest traits she has as a former state officer.

At this year’s state convention, the state officer team size was reduced to eight; it was previously 12. This change creates more room for funding in the association and encourages the officers to work together better.

State convention season is a great time of the year. How will you be celebrating? Will you go out like Graves and meet new people you wouldn’t normally talk to?

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