Pigs, Goats and Ponies Galore!

By |2025-02-28T15:52:09-05:00February 28th, 2025|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , , |
The Olney FFA Chapter’s petting zoo consists of livestock from members’ homes. This is the entrance view of the 2024 petting zoo.

The Olney FFA Chapter’s petting zoo consists of livestock from members’ homes. This is the entrance view of the 2024 petting zoo.

Imagine a mix of 500 elementary school students, 12 farm animals, three cups of chaos and a heaping amount of excitement. These are the basic ingredients for the annual Olney FFA petting zoo, which is part of National FFA Week and helps immerse Illinois elementary school students in agriculture and FFA. 

Let’s Get Started

Before the event, each member interested in bringing an animal to the petting zoo signs up. Then, the advisors and committee chair meet to select members who will bring the animals.

Meanwhile, elementary teachers in the county sign up for a time slot on the created schedule. Once the schedule is filled out, it is sent to the school district’s bus barn for approval. Two buses run at a time and transition between Richland County Elementary School and St. Joseph Catholic School.

Bring on the Students

On the day of the petting zoo, members must bring in their animals an hour before the little learners arrive. This helps the animals acclimate to their new area. After every animal is in its pen and situated, the students come.

Over six hours, more than 500 students will come through the doors of the Richland County High School welding shop. However, only around 50 will be present in each 30-minute time slot. Nevertheless, they keep coming.

“My favorite part is probably how all the students become mesmerized by the animals,” says Richland County High School senior Selena Fuentes. “I also enjoy seeing the joy on their faces when they walk in; it’s pretty unforgettable.” Fuentes has provided different animals, including chickens and goats, throughout her high school career. 

Selena Fuentes smiles with her chicken at the 2024 Olney FFA petting zoo.

Selena Fuentes smiles with her chicken at the 2024 Olney FFA petting zoo.

Although it can be a crazy and fun event, the animals all seem relieved and thankful for the attention when it is time to leave.

Back to Class

This annual National FFA Week event put on by the Olney FFA  aims to help elementary school students see different types of animals. It also helps them learn about a different opportunity they might never have considered.

Would you be more excited to see a pig or a horse?

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