National FFA Week: Corvallis FFA Version

By |2025-03-18T09:22:51-04:00March 18th, 2025|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , |
Corvallis FFA members teach middle school students about FFA.

Corvallis FFA members teach middle school students about FFA.

This year’s National FFA Week branched from Feb. 15-22, and many chapters did fun and elaborate things. The Corvallis FFA Chapter in Montana is no exception; it does not shy away from extravagant ideas. 

Member Tangia “Gia” Bumgarner says her favorite chapter activity to celebrate National FFA Week is visiting middle schools. “I joined FFA because I had heard about it through these visits,” she says.

Tangia Bumgarner teaches about the Corvallis FFA Chapter.

Tangia Bumgarner teaches about the Corvallis FFA Chapter.

These connections are so important to her and the chapter because they create connections that may lead younger students to join FFA. The middle school visits are Bumgarner’s favorite because, “It’s so special to see these students get excited about what competitions they can do, what Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) they can start and what opportunities lie ahead of them,” she says. Bumgarner also believes connecting with the future of agriculture is important because they will carry on the chapter once current senior members graduate. 

Finally, Bumgarner wants to give an honorable mention to an older activity her chapter did during National FFA Week: a spirit week featuring dress up days. “It was so much fun to dress up as our advisor or as an animal,” Bumgarner says. She hopes that eventually the spirit week can come back to her chapter. 

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