National FFA Band: Beyond the Music

One of the National FFA Convention’s oldest traditions is the National FFA Band, which first performed in 1947 at the 20th national convention. More than 70 years later, the band still offers a valuable opportunity for young musicians to gain performance experience while bonding with other members from across the country.

This year’s band has 77 members from 35 states, and students only have three days from when they first receive sheet music to their first performance at the Artsgarden in downtown Indianapolis. With rigorous rehearsals from the moment they arrive, band director Spencer White has students at professional quality in no time.

“It’s really compressing about three to four weeks of rehearsals into three days,” White says. “Every rehearsal we have to make massive strides, and because of our rigorous audition process, we’re able to do that. We have great students that are ready to work hard.”

To be a part of the band, members must undergo a meticulous audition process that evaluates not only their musical abilities, but also their standing with their local school or college band program. Even though the process can seem intimidating, members of this year’s band encourage potential future participants to take the leap and audition.

“Just audition,” says band member Colby Nuckles. “It is such a cool experience to come here and do all these things for a week. You get to know people from all across the country and you get to just have an experience that not many people get to have.”

Band member Steven Streetman agrees. “Go ahead and shoot your shot because it’s really fun. It’s a nice opportunity for anybody.”

White emphasizes that the National FFA Band is an opportunity for all members, no matter what band program they may come from.

“Our 77 members this year come from 35 states. They come from every kind of band program. Some of these students are coming from Grand National Championship Bands of America programs, but most of them are coming from bands of 25 people or less,” he says.

During convention week, band members have the opportunity to meet the national officer team, national advisor and members of the National Executive Board. However, White and the students agreed that the most memorable part of the week is the bonds formed between band members.

“My favorite part of the band experience so far has been meeting everyone from all these different states; I met one of my friends from Wisconsin and he’s told me all about his life and some of these things I’ve just never known,” says band member Eva Awasthi. “I’ve been able to see so many new things and hear so many new experiences that have really opened up and changed my worldview.”

“When students leave, they have all these lifetime memories and friends along the way. It’s awesome,” White says.

For students interested in being a part of next year’s National FFA Band, all audition information and applications will be available online in the spring of 2025.

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