Two States’ Priceless Support

By |2024-10-19T10:00:18-04:00October 19th, 2024|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , |

“Going once. Going twice. Sold! Thank you so much for your support.” This is the sound Texico FFA members look forward to hearing every year during the Wilbur-Ellis Auction.

The auction is a joint effort between the Texico FFA Chapter in New Mexico and the Farwell FFA Chapter in Texas. It’s a tradition that started in 1996, and this year marks the 28th auction.

“It is one of the biggest events of the year between two chapters where an agricultural community that is not always blessed continues to bless these students,” says Texico FFA agriculture educator Terry Whitener.

Each spring, Texico and Farwell FFA members disperse throughout their local communities and ask for generous donation items for the auction. Additionally, sponsors are invited to attend a night filled with delicious food and generosity.

The auction starts with a barbeque dinner donated by Wilbur-Ellis, a local seed and fertilizing company — hence the name!

“[This event] is vital in maintaining a solid agricultural education experience and FFA chapter for our students,” says Sid Morris, one of the agriculture educators with Farewell FFA. “We can put the majority of our focus on student success rather than limiting our opportunities based on who can afford an FFA jacket and who can’t.”

Among the valuable items donated to the auction are Yeti coolers, agricultural mechanics projects, gift baskets, trip vouchers and more. The cakes made and donated also raise a lot of money for the chapters.

This auction is one example of many where the roots of agriculture and support for the values of premier leadership, personal growth and career success are far greater than a price tag.

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