FFA Brand
The National FFA Organization owns the rights to several trademarks and carefully manages their commercial use. The organization is obligated to protect against unauthorized uses.
Using the FFA Brand
Chapters, state associations and state foundations:
Chapters, state associations and state foundations have permission to use the FFA Name and Marks (including the FFA Emblem) to publicize and promote FFA through public information; promotions and publicity events; educational programs; and motivational programs.
As specified by the National FFA Board of Directors, FFA chapters, state associations, state foundations and the National FFA Foundation are authorized to use the FFA Name and Marks for products for their own use and for fundraising to support local, state or national FFA programs on the following conditions:
- Products or services sold must be in good taste, represent a reasonable product or service for FFA, be of good value and quality, and be consistent with the goals and image of FFA.
- Sales are limited by chapters to their local area.
- Sales are limited by states to the areas within their respective state boundaries.
Chapters seeking to create and order items bearing the FFA Name and Marks should complete a Transfer License Request.
Chapters, state associations and state foundations are not authorized to grant rights to use the FFA Name and Marks when the product or service will be sold to wholesalers or dealers who will resell the product.
Any business wishing to use the FFA Name or Marks on products or services for sale must apply and obtain approval to become an official licensee. For additional specific information on how to use the FFA Name and Marks, please refer to the Official Board Policy on FFA Trademarks.