Reviving Tradition: Hydroponics SAE Sprouts Into Success

By |2024-09-22T09:45:39-04:00September 22nd, 2024|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , , |
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In the far southeastern corner of Wyoming’s western landscape, a passionate FFA member is cultivating a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) idea and sprouting it into action.

Burns FFA senior Gage Grommon reconstructed and tweaked a shop-made hydroponics system that had been out of use for several decades. Grommon noticed how the hydroponics system had sat unused for his entire membership in FFA, but knew he could revive the project back to production. After months of thoughtful work and redesigning the system, Grommon began circulating water through the reused PVC pipes last spring.

Grommon explains the process of growing crops in an untraditional setting as “time-consuming,” to say the least. He begins the process by germinating seeds in seed pouches under ultraviolet lights. Next, he places the plants and intact root structures in the specially designed cups. From there, the plants are supported by nutrients from the water and microbes, growing into thriving, mature plants.

Today, Grommon is experimenting with growing different species and varieties of plants. So far, he’s had success with leaf lettuce, snap peas, several grasses and more. However, his success hasn’t been flawless. Earlier this year, Grommon tried growing sweet corn in the system, only to discover it wasn’t suitable for the growing environment. Nonetheless, his enthusiasm has served as an example for FFA members and younger students in the chapter to follow.

Grommon plans to continue this SAE through his final year as a Burns FFA member and chapter officer. He recognizes that each day brings new experiences and challenges, but he finds the most enjoyment and satisfaction in overcoming those obstacles.

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