Greenhouse Greatness: The Future of This Chapter

By |2024-10-08T14:34:15-04:00October 8th, 2024|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , , |
The newly-built greenhouse at Fowlerville High School.

The newly built greenhouse at Fowlerville High School.

The Fowlerville FFA Chapter, which was re-chartered by advisor Curtis Refior in 2016, is building a new greenhouse in the southeastern part of Michigan.

Plans for the new greenhouse include growing a variety of hardy food products for the community. In the past, Fowlerville Schools had the option to harvest the crops for school lunches or students’ families. Students from the Livingston County agriculture science program in Fowlerville can take a class and help with the greenhouse and chapter.

The Plan

This greenhouse will allow the chapter to have double the space for student projects, including different types of environments for plants to thrive and space for their hanging basket sale during the summer. The new-and-improved greenhouse has features to roll up both sides and open ventilation when summer temperatures reach a set degree.

“I’m most looking forward to having more space for everyone to explore their curiosities,” Refior says.

Members working on the greenhouse.

Members working on the greenhouse.


The funding for this greenhouse came through the State of Michigan: Supporting Career and Technical Education grant program. Refior applied for various types of additional grants to receive funding for the project, allowing them to run through the summer of 2025.

We are excited to see the future of this chapter and all of its accomplishments. Best of luck to Fowlerville FFA in Michigan!

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