Working Together: Daisy and Madi Miller

By |2024-09-11T19:55:06-04:00September 11th, 2024|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , , |
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Madi Miller from the Deltona Sr. FFA Chapter in Florida starts out every morning the same way: She visits the Deltona High School farm and feeds her ewe, Daisy.

It’s like a routine, so simple and familiar. Every afternoon, she gets to the farm again to feed Daisy and maybe work or bathe her. Every single day, Daisy knows she’s there from the moment the car gets to the farm. These moments are ones Miller looks forward to every day.

A current sophomore at Deltona High School and Deltona Sr. FFA secretary, Miller is in her second year of FFA and plans to go into a veterinary science career. Read on to learn about her experiences in agriculture and FFA.

Q: Why did you start this SAE?

A: I’ve always had a passion for animals. At first, I did not want to get a cow. I enjoy sheep and think they’re really cool.

Q: What made you want to continue this SAE?

A: I think it’s the atmosphere and the friends you get to make along the road. People I’ve met have been really nice, and I’ve learned a bunch of stuff from showing my sheep.

Q: How has your SAE impacted you?

A: It showed me a lot of responsibility and stuff that I had initially not known. It’s also furthered my knowledge on many livestock animals like sheep, cows and goats.

Q: What would you say to someone interested in starting this Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE)?

A: It’s a lot of work, but it’s also a lot of fun. You get to make a bunch of friends, which is a lot of the experiences you get. You have to be ready to put in the work, so if you’re not it might not be time quite yet.

Q: How has your SAE helped to define your career path?

A: I’ve always wanted to be a large animal veterinarian, but having a sheep has helped me learn about them and figure out that this is actually what I want to do.

Q: What is a message you would like to share with every FFA member?

A: Never give up on your dreams, even when people tell you that the dreams are impossible. Also, always try to be positive about yourself, even when you have doubts about what you can do.

Looking Forward

Miller is leveling up her SAE, as she is currently breeding her ewe with a fellow student’s ram. She hopes to get twins to show at the Volusia County Fair. Additionally, she is also looking to volunteer her time to teach Deltona Middle School’s FFA chapter some proper sheep showmanship.

Although this may seem like a simple project or a routine, the hard work and dedication that goes into it is unmatched and makes a profound impact on Miller and those around her.


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