Kora Greene Is Cultivating Commitment

By |2024-09-09T19:44:59-04:00September 9th, 2024|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , , , |
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Commitment is a quality that is hard to come by, but Kora Greene from the Hillsboro Great Oaks FFA Chapter in Ohio has no shortage of it.

Greene has shown rabbits at her fair for the past three years as her Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE). Her SAE began with just one small idea during her freshman year of high school. To get it started, she built a hutch for her rabbits with the help of her stepfather. Then, she brought that dream to life and began showing rabbits her sophomore year.

Greene’s SAE includes daily tasks like feeding her rabbits as well as interacting with them, so they’re used to human interaction when she shows them at the fair.

Throughout her years of running this SAE, Greene has most dearly enjoyed learning the personalities of each of her rabbits. They’re all incredibly different, and she finds a great deal of enjoyment in discovering the needs and wants of each individual rabbit.


What Can Be Learned From Greene?

Greene has not had an easy path, but she hasn’t let that stop her. She has a severe allergy to rabbits, but that doesn’t prevent her from doing what she enjoys.

Through it all, there’s an aspect of Greene that always remains true. Her character and perseverance stem from her deep-rooted faith. That faith has allowed her to face countless roadblocks with courage and hope. When times get hard for her, she turns inward to the song of her heart, rather than outward to the billowing winds of the storm.

There are two ways to react to adversity. You can view it as a dead end, or you can perceive it as a mere hurdle to jump over. Greene has decided to treat it as the latter. So often, we make a habit of giving up when times get hard. But if we persevere, we will succeed.

Although, at the present moment, you may be unable to jump over the hurdle in your path, that doesn’t mean you will never be able to. Our character is much like a muscle. The more it is tested, the stronger it grows to be. With hope and commitment, just about anything can be achieved.

So, what’s holding you back? The only limiting factor in your dreams is you. If you’re willing to put in the effort and dream big, you can and will succeed!

Be sure to check out Greene’s FFA chapter’s Instagram!

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