This SAE is Something To Buzz About

By |2024-09-11T19:52:00-04:00September 11th, 2024|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , , |
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Sarah Miller, president of the Muhlenberg County FFA Chapter, is as busy as a bee managing Hey There, Honey, her business and Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE).

Growing up on a farm focused on gardening and hay production, agriculture has always been second nature to Miller. However, it wasn’t until 2021, while serving as a teen leader at 4-H camp, that she realized how little some fourth and fifth graders knew about agriculture. The camp happened to be teaching about bees and agriculture during this time.

“I fell in love with bees that week and knew I had to get some for myself,” Miller says.

For the next three months, Miller researched and ended up applying for an SAE grant. To her delight, she was selected as a recipient and received $500, which she used in the spring of 2022 to purchase her first beehive. Inspired by this success, Miller applied for the Kentucky FFA Shark Tank and became a top seven finalist. She was awarded $1,000 at the 2023 Kentucky FFA state convention, which she used to buy two more hives and expand her garden.

Today, Miller’s thriving business includes not only her beehives but also a garden where she grows produce. She sells honey as well as honey products, jams, jellies, produce and round hay bales. “The bees have been an aid in both hay production and gardening,” she says.

Miller’s passion for agriculture doesn’t stop at her farm. She regularly shares her knowledge in the classroom, where she advocates for the importance of agriculture. She discusses how her business operates, reads books about bees and farming to elementary students and educates her peers in culinary class about the health benefits of honey, especially for those with allergies. Miller also emphasizes the importance of farm-to-table practices and their health benefits.

Every day, Miller finds herself learning something new about the complex world of bees. Her journey is a testament to how passion, hard work and a love for agriculture can create a ripple effect, educating and inspiring others along the way. As she continues to grow her business and share her knowledge, Miller remains committed to developing a deeper understanding and appreciation of agriculture in her community.

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