A Season of Growth at Ott Farms

By |2024-09-03T14:10:29-04:00September 3rd, 2024|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , , |
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Ott Farms is located in Modesto, Cali., and has been part of the community for decades!

Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs) make up about 1/3 of the agricultural education model. These experiences help connect FFA members to production agriculture through entrepreneurship, research or placement projects.

Central Catholic FFA Member Success

The SAE that FFA members at Central Catholic High School in Modesto, Cali., did this summer was working at Ott Farms. FFA members Taylor Moring, Jake Kiesel, Natalia Van Klaveren and Addison Hulsey helped run the U-Pick blueberry and cherry farm stands on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the summer.

FFA members put in eight-hour workdays where they provided customer service and sales and picked fresh fruit to process larger orders for restaurants. Each year, these members work hard and learn more about the importance of agriculture. Moring was one of the student managers who helped run Ott Farms this past summer.

“When I heard of the opportunity of working at Ott Farms I knew I wanted to sign up,” Moring says. “I wanted to be more involved in agriculture and involve myself in an SAE project to gain hands-on agricultural experiences. During the horticulture class I took last school year, seeing fruits and vegetables grow and getting to harvest them gave me the passion to learn from a professional in the field. This SAE project aligned perfectly with my goals of growing more in agriculture and contributing to sustainable farming practices.” 

Taylor Moring (right) has dedicated many hours into working at Ott Farms for her SAE.

Taylor Moring (right) has dedicated many hours working at Ott Farms for her SAE.

Moring said she’s developed and improved on many key skills working at Ott Farms and gained a strong understanding of crop management and the hard work it takes to grow and harvest these fruits. “Working directly with the crops and seeing the day-to-day operations has given me a newfound appreciation for the hard work and dedication that goes into producing our food,” she added.

Working summers at Ott Farms provided FFA members like Moring with invaluable hands-on experience, enhanced their agricultural skills, and fostered a deeper appreciation for farm management and production. Thanks to the Ott families who trust the Central Catholic High School agriculture students with this amazing opportunity and experience.

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