For the past 70 years, FFA has shared the stories of members, alumni and supporters through the organization’s official magazine. Originally called National Future Farmer magazine, which debuted in 1952, the publication’s name changed to FFA New Horizons in 1989. As FFA has evolved and changed over the years, FFA New Horizons has documented the accounts first-hand, keeping a record for members past and present to learn from. Woven within the first issue of National Future Farmer magazine and every issue of FFA New Horizons since are stories of agriculture education in action — impressive, inspiring, everyday people who are Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live and Living to Serve.
FFA Moment: 1952
By Kasey Riebel|2022-01-07T11:08:18-05:00January 6th, 2022|Categories: FFA New Horizons, The Feed|Tags: ffa moment, ffa new horizons, The National Future Farmer magazine|