2021 International Leadership Seminar for State Officers

ILSSO 20212021-03-08T16:13:21-05:00
Microsoft Teams

As with many events over the past year, this event’s delivery method has changed, but the mission has not. The vision and objectives of this virtual program mirror that of an in-person experience, which are: to inspire a global mindset in state FFA officers through a virtual learning experience. This program will be facilitated by Jason Wetzler of Jason Wetzler Leadership.

(Subject to change. All times listed in EST)

Noon – 2 p.m. – Learning Session 1
During our first learning session, we’ll kick off ILSSO 2021. We’ll set expectations for ourselves and each other, dive deeper into the “why” behind our participation in ILSSO and illustrate foundational principles of diversity and their relevance to international experiences. We’ll also meet our “bus groups” and small group leaders and establish culture and norms.

7 – 9 p.m. – Immersive Experience: Japan
Our nightly experiences are designed to immerse us into a culture or cultural activity different from our own. Our first experience will be with Bifu Nakatani, founder and head of Sencha Bifu School, who will walk us through several experiences that immerse us into Japanese culture.

Noon – 2 p.m. – Learning Session 2
During this learning session, we’ll illustrate a global citizen’s characteristics and classify behaviors of global citizenship. Additionally, we’ll dive into the 17 sustainable development goals and how they relate to our roles as global citizens.

Guest Speakers: Ken Quick, Bev Flatt

7 – 9 p.m. – Immersive Experience: Race Around the World
Our nightly experiences are designed to immerse us into a culture or cultural activity different from our own. Tonight’s experience will feature a competitive race around the world with our bus groups as we explore the tenets of culture across the globe.

Noon – 2:45 p.m. – Learning Session 3
In this learning session, we’ll interpret the relationship between global citizenship, sustainable development goals, and agricultural businesses.

Guest Speakers: Josh Jepsen & Mara Downing, John Deere; Jared Hill, Bunge; Jan Chernus, Bob’s Red Mill

7 – 9 p.m. – Immersive Experience: World of Dance
Our nightly experiences are designed to immerse us into a culture or cultural activity different from our own. Tonight’s experience will get us up and moving as Allie Ellis, development specialist with the National FFA Alumni & Supporters and certified dance instructor teaches us how to perform dances from specific regions in the world.

11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. – Learning Session 4
This session will help us gain a broad understanding of how human rights issues affect individuals and how to affect change and micro and macro levels.

Guest Speakers: Ashley Davidson & Lauren Phillips, United Nations (biographies coming soon); Hannah Nelson, former communication specialist, Cristosal

7 – 9 p.m. – Immersive Experience: Taste of Italy
Our nightly experiences are designed to immerse us into a culture or cultural activity different from our own. Tonight, we will trade in our jackets for an apron and put on a Chef’s hat for a virtual cooking course with Rodney Woodley, chef instructor.

Noon – 2 p.m. Learning Session 5
In our final session together, we’ll kick off with the African Leadership Academy in Johannesburg, South Africa. The academy’s mission is to transform Africa by developing a powerful network of young leaders who will work together to address Africa’s greatest challenges, achieve extraordinary social impact, and accelerate the continent’s growth trajectory. We’ll get to meet students at the academy and have time to learn about each other and share our mutual experiences.

After this, we will develop a plan to implement learning in our communities and use the sustainable development goals to create our calls to action.

Bunge North America
John Deere
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