Check out these exhibitors at the 96th National FFA Convention & Expo.

Culver’s is a National FFA Convention & Expo must-see! Visit the Culver’s booth for a free scoop of vanilla custard.

Stop by the BASF exhibit to show off your best smiles! Grab some fun props and strike a few different poses for the 360 Photo Booth, which captures a 360-degree video of you and your friends.
“A lot of students have never done something like this before, and they just light up when they see their video,” says BASF digital manager Valaree Reese.

Take just 15 minutes to help out with this year’s onsite service project, which includes assembling sensory bottles with glitter and other add-ins that will be donated to the Damar Foundation. The Damar Foundation assists families and people with developmental, behavioral and intellectual disabilities.
“This is a great opportunity for FFA members not just to look at things or hear about things, but to put their hands and the FFA Motto into use,” says Logan Everett, National FFA program specialist.

Visit the FFA Experience Booth to participate in the Connect Four Challenge to win a free T-shirt. Answer questions about historical events in FFA, a fact about the FFA jacket, languages spoken among FFA members and more!

Check out the Collegiate Connection section to explore various colleges and universities..
“My favorite part is talking to all these different people from all over the country,” says Caroll at Flora FFA member Cora Rich.“I don’t really know where I’m going to go to college yet, so trying to figure that out here is really nice.”

Stop by the CLAAS booth as well as other farm machinery exhibits to learn about the latest agricultural technology innovations.
“At the CLAAS booth, members can understand technology, learn what’s available and hear about products we have that address selected needs,” says Eric Raby, CLAAS senior vice president.