Celebrating 50 Years of Women in FFA

It’s been 50 years since the 1969 National FFA Convention when women gained full, national membership in FFA.
In 1969 women were officially allowed membership into the National FFA Organization. In the 50 years since the formal acceptance of female membership, women have become an integral part of the organization. Women have achieved significant milestones, and they continue to shape the future of agricultural education and the industry of agriculture.
Alumna Remembers Journey to 1969 National FFA Convention
Ruby Love participated in the first convention where women attended, and she carries those memories with her throughout life.
FFA Alumna Charts Her Own Ag Path
A detour from agriculture gave CEO Megan Nunes the insight she needed to help improve it.
Ag Leaders: The Sky’s the Limit for Women in FFA
Leaders in agriculture come together to encourage the future of women in FFA.
Historical Timeline of Women in FFA
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