Host a Top-Notch FFA Competition in 7 Steps
In the past seven years, Pawhuska FFA in Oklahoma has refined its process to ensure a smooth and successful event for all.
Building Skills for Future Success
Taking construction classes at Alabama’s Haleyville Center of Technology helps FFA members gain applicable skills and knowledge.
From College Student to Content Creator
Muscatine FFA Alumna Alyssa Walsh’s journey to becoming a full-time communicator demonstrates it’s never too early to start chasing dreams.
7 Tips for Starting an Agriscience Project
Looking to dip your toes into research? Find inspiration from Lizzie Schafer, the 2024 National FFA American Star in Agriscience.
Beyond a Spirit Week: FFA in One Word
Celebrate leadership, growth, and unity during National FFA Week—where passion for agriculture and community shines brighter than ever!
3 Can’t-Miss FFA Week Activities
From dress-up days to interactive events and more, draw inspiration from these chapters that celebrated in style.
6 CDEs to Check Out This Year
Discover National FFA Career Development Events that will help you sharpen your skills and learn about career opportunities in agriculture.
Abel Kooima Has a Heart of Service
This Wisconsin state officer embodies what it means to be a servant leader, both in the classroom and in the fire house.
In This Classroom, Floral Design Is in Full Bloom
James E. Taylor FFA advisor Sara Burke teaches students skills that prepare them for many different career paths.
FFA Moment: 1935 and 1965
In this FFA moment, we reflect on the founding of the New Farmers of America and its merger with the National FFA Organization.
My Work After National Office
After their year of service is complete, many National FFA Officers accomplish big things and apply their skills in a variety of jobs.
5 Ways to Put the “Fun” in Fundraising
Humboldt FFA members in Minnesota are learning the ins and outs of running a coffee shop — and having a good time doing it.
Skills and Lessons for Life
Jaci Limestall credits FFA for lifelong skills, shaping her career from education to global agricultural leadership.