Grants for Growing (G4G) is a competitive grant program for middle and high school FFA chapters that are developing and improving project-based or experiential learning opportunities for students. FFA chapters may apply for up to $5,000 through the G4G program, sponsored by Tractor Supply Company (TSC).
Funding is provided by consumers who purchase an FFA paper emblem at TSC stores during checkout. Emblems can be purchased at any denomination.
Grants for Growing Program Overview
Grants for Growing provides funding to support one of three areas:
- Grow Your Classroom — Funding can be used to support increasing students’ classroom knowledge.
- Grow Your FFA Chapter — Funding can be used to support the development or expansion of an FFA chapter and leadership opportunities.
- Grow Your Ag Awareness — Funding can be used to support the development or expansion of an agricultural literacy event or campaign.
FFA chapters can develop projects in one of these areas.
2023-24 Grants for Growing Recipients
The fundraising period for the TSC paper emblem program will take place Feb 14-25, 2024, during National FFA Week. During this timeframe, FFA chapters are encouraged to utilize online resources to boost the sales of the paper emblems. However, participation is not a requirement to receive funding through the Grants for Growing program.
Below are some examples of how your FFA chapter can participate:

- Act as a greeter as customers enter the TSC store.
- Host an in-store booth with information about the importance of agricultural education.
- Help pack items at the register and transport them to the customers’ vehicles.
- Host a petting zoo to provide an agriculture experience for customers.
- Hold a bake sale with proceeds supporting FFA chapter activities.
- Use social media to promote FFA Week and the FFA Paper Emblem Sales. Be sure to tag your posts!
- Facebook:@TractorSupplyCo, @NationalFFA
- Instagram: TractorSupply, NationalFFA
- Twitter: @TractorySupply, @NationalFFA
- Hashtags: #GrantsforGrowing, #NationalFFA, #TractorSupplyCo, #TractorSupply
- TikTok: @tractorsupply
- Text family and friends and encourage them to visit their local TSC store and purchase an FFA Paper Emblem to support Grants for Growing
- Use the school’s website to encourage the school and community to participate in the FFA Paper Emblem sale during FFA Week

5 Keys to a Great Grant Application
East Prairie FFA advisor Rylyn Small shares what it takes to create a compelling application when applying for chapter funding.
How FFA Funds Future Leaders
Beginning this year, the Student Engagement and Travel Assistance Grants program supports members attending National FFA experiences.
Kelliher FFA Grows With Grant Funding
In Minnesota, students in the Midwest Meats class are deepening their understanding of animal and food science through hands-on learning.
Preserving Agricultural Lands and Communities
A collaboration between North Carolina FFA chapters and a nonprofit conservation organization supports the future of local agriculture.