FFA Blue 365 connects innovations and cutting-edge technology with the next generation of leaders who will change the world. FFA Blue 365 exposes students to the careers of the future, equips chapters with new resources, and inspires us to find innovative solutions to tomorrow’s challenges.

FFA Blue Room 2018-20
Presented by:

NASA Administrator Bridenstine Talks Intersection of Space, Ag
The shared technologies can improve agricultural outcomes.
FFA Advisors Hack for Good
Microsoft partners with FFA advisors to solve problems using creative, innovative solutions.
The Future of Farming Is Blue
The FFA Blue Room will bring even more technologies to the stage at the 2019 National FFA Convention & Expo.
FFA Blue 365: When Common Milkweed Isn’t So Common
Even though we live on a planet that is home to at least 2 million species of insects, sometimes small choices can have a huge impact on improving the biodiversity of this world. The Monarch[...]